Fighting Extremism Via Quran
Islam - The religion of peace has been hijacked by the extremist. Their actions do not represent the views of the majority of peace loving Muslims. These extreme actions and views draw the attention of the media which thrives on conflicts.
Since the moderate views of the majority of Muslims aim to harmonise with the wider society, hence they are not given their due importance in the media. These views are not heard among the louder noises of the extremists.
As Muslims, we feel that it is not enough to follow and practice the core principles of the religion only. Given the religious, political and social situations of various Muslim communities around the world, it is essential to fight extremism with in Islam. This is the only possible solution for a secure, healthy and bright future for all of us, so that we as a generation can work towards leaving behind a spiritually rich legacy and a happy, prosperous & understanding world.
Dr Yahya Mubashar
This web site was developed with the aim of promoting forward thinking among the Muslim community. It shows some of the activities which are important for Muslim families in order to develop confident, tolerant and open minded generations
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Say: "Verily, my Lord has guided me to a way that is straight,- a religion of right,- the path of Abraham the true in Faith, and he (certainly) joined not gods with God."
Chapter 6 Al-Anaam, verse 161