Fighting Extremism Via Quran
Say: "Verily, my Lord has guided me to a way that is straight,- a religion of right,- the path of Abraham the true in Faith, and he (certainly) joined not gods with God."
Chapter 6 Al-Anaam, verse 161
Hollywood's movie industry, the top-notch commercial advertising and state-of-the-art entertainment facilities have raised the standards of "acceptable" media to staggeringly high levels. So how can the Muslims compete with that? It is important for today's Muslims to find new, creative ways to make a wider swath in the modern world. Can we use the same media/production techniques that Hollywood uses towards our advantage? Media auguments and supports various communication forms that industry use everyday. To not use media is like only preaching every third word in a sermon - too much good information is missing.
There is an undeniable need to utilize the appropriate media to support the overall message of Islam. In fact, this is a historical principle; Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used the main communication of His day - the spoken and written words in Arabic- and the most appropriate message-retentive format of His days - parables (stories) and Hadith - to get his message across.
Media is the universal language of the world which transcends all dialects, all cultures and all ages
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The same principles can be applied today too. In this day and age, no one is too excited about sitting for hours to listen to a sermon. But people are more likely to be attracted to a message or parable which is on a big screen in a theatre-style auditorium supported by top-notch music or a dynamic web site displaying advance technology. The message of Islam can be powerfully expressed in modern times.