Fighting Extremism Via Quran
Say: "Verily, my Lord has guided me to a way that is straight,- a religion of right,- the path of Abraham the true in Faith, and he (certainly) joined not gods with God."
Chapter 6 Al-Anaam, verse 161
Strategic IAG (Independent Advisory Group) is formed by Equality and Diversity department of Devon and Cornwall Police Authority to monitor and advise on the quality of police work.
This is an invitation only group which meets four times a years with the higher police officials to discuss the various diversity issues arising among the local communities. Members of public belonging to various backgrounds are invited by the police force itself to join in and contribute their views.
There are six strands of this group namely Religion & Belief, Gender, Race, Disability, Age, Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Mashallah, my wife and I have been active members of the Religion and Belief Group (IAG) and have been attending the meetings regularly where concerns and thoughts are discussed on reported cases arising among different faith & belief communities.
Work done in local community
Topics discussed by us are...
Topics discussed so far in our strand are...
Domestic violence
Forced Marriages
Radicalisation among the youth
Religiously motivated hate crimes - various incidences
The senior police officials have always paid attention to the advice given on such issues and we have established a good track record of that advice and concerns being conveyed later to the highest authorities and personals in government.